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Third Generation
Nikolaus Wilhelm (Willi) STEINHAUER6,7,8,9 was born on
17 May 1887 in Wippershain, Hersfeld, Rhön, Germany. Born at
Haus Nummer 56. Other sources say June rather than May. He was educated at
Grundschule between 1893 and 1897 in Wippershain, Hersfeld, Rhön, Germany.
He was educated at the Gymnasium between 1897 and 1904 in Bad Hersfeld, Germany.1 Dates approximate. He had to
walk or ride a bike to school everyday, a distance of about 10 km. The principal
of the school was the "Duden" of Duden's Encyclopedia. He was educated
at the Postamt as an apprentice between 1904 and 1907 in Bad Hersfeld, Germany.
Dates approximate. He apprenticed as "Postsekretär." He was
a postal worker from 1908. Date approximate. He probably began working
for the Post Office in Bad Hersfeld. He suffered from rheumatism and was sent
for a cure about 1911 in Braunfels an der Lahn, Germany.1 It was here that he met Johanna Weitz, and applied for
a postal job in Braunfels. He was an a mason's apprentice in Braunfels an der
Lahn, Germany about 1913. He worked for his father-in-law, but it
did not work out, and he quit to return to the Post Office in Braunfels. He
served in the German army between 1914 and 1918.1 During part of World War I, he was a cannonier in Ukraine
He was an a Postsekretär in Braunfels an der Lahn, Germany between 1918
and 1927. He was a Postsekretär in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
between 1927 and 1945. He was not promoted during this time period
because he was pubicly opposed to the Nazi government. Nevertheless, as he did
not participate in any anti-government activities, and his children were all
in the Hitler-Jugend, he kept his job. He and his family were bombed out of
their house about 1945 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. They then moved
back to Braunfels. He was a Post Master ("Postbeamter, Oberamtmann") in Wetzlar,
Lahn, Germany between 29 Nov 1945 and 30 Sep 1952.1 His opposition to the Nazi regime probably helped him
to get the Post Master position after the War ended. He retired on 30 Sep 1952
in Wetzlar, Lahn, Germany.10
He died on 14 Sep 1969 in Braunfels an der Lahn, Germany.10 Claus Schmitt data has him as Wilhelm Nikolaus, but
listed as Nikolaus Wilhelm on his marriage certificate. Burkhard Steinhauer
data has him as Friedrich Wilhelm Nikolaus. Nikolaus Wilhelm (Willi) STEINHAUER
and Johanna (Hanna) WEITZ were married on 3 Nov 1913 in Braunfels an der Lahn,
Germany. She married against her father's wishes. They first lived
on Heinrich Ziegler Straße. 7.
Johanna (Hanna) WEITZ4,6,7,8 was born on 8 Nov 1889 in Braunfels
an der Lahn, Germany.11
She was educated at the Familienschule between 1895 and 1904 in Braunfels an
der Lahn, Germany.1 Dates
approximate. She was educated at a (boarding) finishing school, an "Internat"
between 1905 and 1907 in Darmstadt, Germany. Dates approximate.
She was supposed to learn to run the construction company after 1907 in Braunfels
an der Lahn, Germany. This did not work out, nor did a later attempt
to get her husband Willi to do it. She was a housewife and mother from 1913.
"Sie war eine gute Hausfrau und Mutter." -- her daughter Anneliese.
She was living about 1918 in Braunfels an der Lahn, Germany. Fürst
Ferdinand Straße 28. This house was inherited from her father, and remained
in the family until her daughter Margret's death. She was living about 1945
in Braunfels an der Lahn, Germany. They returned to Fürst Ferdinand
Straße 28 after Willi's retirement. She died on 5 Jun 1971 in Braunfels
an der Lahn, Germany.12
She was buried on 11 Jun 1971 in Braunfels an der Lahn, Germany.12 Burial of the urn took place at the Friedhofskapelle,
Braunfels, at 2:30 in the afternoon. She loved to do needlework and was forever
making presents for her children and grandchildren. Children were:
| i. |
Margret Martha
STEINHAUER1 was born
on 21 Oct 1914 in Braunfels an der Lahn, Germany. She died on 26
Jan 1995 in Braunfels an der Lahn, Germany. Activities: Theater,
Kulturgemeinschaft, Zeitung (Anüncen u. Artikel) | | ii. |
Karl Friedrich Wilhelm STEINHAUER was born on 4 Oct 1916 in Frankfurt am
Main, Germany. He died on 29 Nov 1943 in Eastern Front, USSR.
Died in World War II on the Russian front. He was a curator ("Preparator")
at Senkenberg Museum, Frankfurt. He was an artistic man, musical,
wrote poetry. He was drafted early, and trained troops. | 3 | iii. | Anneliese
Ernestine Marta Margarete STEINHAUER. |