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BESTEIRO and Josefa GUIZA were married before 1814.6 Josefa GUIZA was born before
1795 in San Pedro de Vilarello, Lugo, Spain.1,2 Information E-mailed by Oscar
Lodeiro (olodeiro@caracola.iponet.es): Al norte de Sta. María de Franqueán
está SAN PEDRO DE VILARELLO: pertenece al municipio de Láncara. Tiene
120 habitantes en las entidades de Corral de Abaixo, Lousadelo, Predes, Ribeira
de Vilapepe, Veiga de Anzuelos y Vilarelo. She died between 1851 and 1873 in
Madrid, Spain.3,4 Per research of Urbano Melendo, she was living with
her family in 1851, but not in 1873. From Francisco Besteiro Guiza's death certificate,
we know she was dead by 1876. Pedro BESTEIRO and Josefa GUIZA had the following