Family History, Lore and Legend

Table of Contents

Emilito (Emil Signes)
Rev. 2006-08-15

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Family trees - which will try to be as factual as possible - can be found here.

Other pages in the family stories sections will take a narrative approach to all the family lines.  As noted in the heading, history, lore and legend will all be considered (distinguished where possible) and are broken down into branches related to the following family members.

Stories about

1. Family of Emil Signes (Emilito himself)
2. Family of Heide Ruppel (Emilito's lovely wife)
3. Family of Anne Schmitt (Heide's sister and biological daughter of Heide's stepfather Rolf)
4. Family of Kip Desch (Emilito's son-in-law and father of Emilito's grandson Jacob)
5. Family of Gloria Hestle (Emilito's daughter-in-law)

Chapter END

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