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36. Antonio GRACIANI VARELA36,38,84 was born on 2 August 1868 in Andújar, Jaén, Spain.84 Full name: Antonio Beatriz de la Smª Trinidad. He was living on 22 January 1891 in Córdoba, Spain.158 There is a document from this time showing him recognized as an Italian citizen (GRAZIANI). In 1901 he was a Civil Engineer's Assistant (ayudante de obras públicas) in Toledo, Spain.159 Antonio moved in Sevilla, Spain between 1902 and 1903. After 1903 he was a Civil Engineer's Assistant (ayudante de obras públicas) in Sevilla, Spain.48,69 De la guía Gómez Zarzuela: 1904, "ayudante de obras, Carne 7." [1905-06?] 1907-12, "ayudante de obras públicas, San Fernando 31." 1913 & 1915, "ayudante de obras públicas, Segovias 3." 1916, "ayudante de ingeniero, Fabiola 13." After the 1905 death of his father, Antonio continued his work in the railroad business. Después de la muerte de su padre en 1905, Antonio continuó el trabajo de su padre en los ferrocarriles. He died in 1943 in Sevilla, Spain. Antonio GRACIANI VARELA and Ramona VÁZQUEZ CAMACHO were married. Ramona VÁZQUEZ CAMACHO36 was born about 1870 in Jaen, Spain.159 She died in 1936 in Sevilla, Spain.38 Antonio GRACIANI VARELA-4355 and Ramona VÁZQUEZ CAMACHO-4357 had the following children: |