Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Third Generation16. He was an engineer. Isabel BESTEIRO GRACCIANI escribe "el tío Paco . . . ingeniero que mamá decía que era muy inteligente y responsable en sus obras. . . A mi me contaba [mi madre, Victorina GRACIANI LORENZO] que cuando sucedía un accidente pues era ingeniero de los ferrocarriles, inmediatamente lo mandaban a buscar y en muy poco tiempo hacía la reparación, si por ejemplo había el derrumbe de un puente levantaba un puente provisional y decía: Bajo mi responsibilidad pueden pasar los trenes y jamás tuvo un fracaso; esto lo contaba mi madre." Isabel BESTEIRO GRACCIANI notes that her mother told her tío Paco was a very intelligent and responsible engineer . . . He died on 29 September 1905 in Sevilla, Spain.37,81,82 Antonio GRACIANI VÁZQUEZ nota que "se fueron a Sevilla para construir la estación de los FF. CC. Andaluces, muriendo durante la construcción el año 5." According to Antonio GRACIANI VÁZQUEZ the family went to Seville to construct the railroad station, and Francisco died during the construction. ¨Murió de sarcoma de cuello en calle Carne 7 Parroquia de San Nicolás.¨ His death was announced in the Seville newspaper El Liberal of 6 Oct. 1905 in which it refers to his "viuda, hijos, hijos políticos, nietos, hermanos, hermanos políticos, y demas parientes y afectos." This would indicate that more than one brother was alive at the time (we know Domingo was alive). The reference to "hermanos políticos," however leads us to wonder at least a little -- as far as we know, Francisco had only "hermanas políticas." He died of sarcoma of the neck. Francisco was buried on 30 September 1905 in Sevilla, Spain. Buried in San Fernando Cemetery. 3 Calle Virgen María lado de la izquierda [?] cuartelada. Francisco (Paco) GRACIANI MARTÍN and Nicolasa VARELA LÓPEZ were married about 1860. They lived in Andújar, Jaén, Spain between 1865 and 1870. Years approximate. Antonio GRACIANI VÁZQUEZ: " They lived at Carne 7, Parroquia de San Nicolás in Sevilla, Spain before 1905. Francisco (Paco) GRACIANI MARTÍN-2253 and Nicolasa VARELA LÓPEZ-4354 had the following children: |