Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Third Generation14. He was a carpenter (carpintero).1,3 Según Isabel BESTEIRO GRACCIANI, escribiendo a su sobrina Carmen LAGOS BESTEIRO (Signes), "el tío Domingo de Sevilla era un verdadero artista en obras de madera . . . fue él que construyó la casa de muñecas de la cual creo que habrás oido hablar a tu mamá, que entre otras cosas tenía una escalera de caracol perfecta hecha de un solo tronco de madera y los balcones y las puertas talladas, todo era una verdadera obra de arte." Isabel BESTEIRO GRACCIANI, writing to her niece Carmen LAGOS BESTEIRO (Signes) wrote “your tío Domingo of Seville was a true artist in woodworking and it was he that built the doll house that I believe you have heard about from your mother which, among other things, had a perfect spiral staircase made from one tree trunk and with sculpted balconies and doors, all a wonderful work of art.” Domingo lived at C/Zurita 3 in Madrid, Spain in 1871–1874.40,67,68 He appeared in the census in 1890 in Madrid, Spain.3 Monthly rent 30 pesetas. In 1890 he was a carpenter in Madrid, Spain.3 Place of occupation as of the 1890 census: "Estación del Mediodía" [Atocha Station]. Sueldo anual 1460 pesetas. Domingo lived at Calle de Atocha 94, segundo izquierda in Madrid, Spain on 1 December 1890. He appeared in the census in 1895 in Madrid, Spain.66 He was unemployed ("ninguna [ocupación] - inutilizado") in 1895 in Madrid, Spain66 Domingo lived at Calle de Atocha 94 segundo izquierda in Madrid, Spain on 1 December 1895.66 He moved in Sevilla, Spain in 1898.66 He was living after 1898 in Sevilla, Spain.69,70 We know he moved to Seville in 1898 and that he was living in Seville in 1908: he is listed in the Guía Gómez Zarzuela ("Guía de Sevilla") as "del comercio, Herbolario 21" in 1908. He is not listed in prior or succeeding years. Domingo died after 1908.2,71 Esperanza GRACIANI CASTILLA believes he died in Seville c. 1910. Antonio GRACIANI VÁZQUEZ: "Era un Republicanote Federal de la vieja escuela, salió por pies de Madrid cuando los Cantonales, pues seguramente estaría en las barricadas. . . Yo lo llegué a conocer en Sevilla, recuerdo que tenía sobre la cama en vez de un Crucifijo, un gorro frigio y una bandera Republicana." GRACIANI VÁZQUEZ confirma la "leyenda" familiar conocido por la rama americana de la familia: "Como anécdota te contaré, que cuando nacieron sus hijos quiso ponerle de nombre Federal a uno y Nitroglicerina a la otra, como es lógico el cura no quiso, los dejo sin bautizar hasta que se casaron. De Mónica (Nitroglicerina) no sé una palabra. De Segundo (Federal) si . . . [v. Segundo GRACIANI GARCÍA]." (Esta historia corresponde casi palabra por palabra con la historia que les contó Carmen LAGOS BESTEIRO (Signes) a sus hijos, con la excepción de que ella pensó que la hija se hubiera llamado Cecilia.) Según Carmen - a quién le contó la historia su abuela Victorina GRACIANI LORENZO -, este tío anarquista dió el nombre "Federal" a su hijo porque - idealista - quería una republica federal. También realista, reconoció la necesidad de la violencia, y dió a su hija el nombre de "Nitroglicerina." Victorina llamó a su hijo mayor Domingo, probablemente por el tío que tanto respectó. (El primer uso practicable de nitroglicerina fue en 1867 con la invención de dinamita, así que Domingo estaba al corriente.) También se dice en la familia que Domingo figuró en el asesinato del general Juan Prim y Prats en 1870 Antonio GRACIANI VÁZQUEZ writes "He was a full-blown Federal Republican of the old school, he left Madrid quickly during the Cantonal insurrections [of 1873]; surely he was at the barricades. I got to know him in Seville, I remember that instead of a crucifix over his bed he had a Liberty Cap and a Republican flag." GRACIANI VÁZQUEZ confirms the "legend" known to the American branch of the family. "As a story I'll tell you that when his children were born he wanted to call his son Federal and his daughter Nitroglycerin. As is logical, the priest didn't want to do that, so he left them without being baptized until they were married. I don't know a thing about Mónica (Nitroglycerin). I do know about Segundo (Federal)" . . . [See entry for Segundo GRACIANI GARCÍA.] (This corresponds almost word for word with the story the Signes children heard from their mother Carmen LAGOS BESTEIRO (Signes) throughout their childhood, except that she thought the girl's name was Cecilia.) According to Carmen, this anarchist uncle named his son "Federal" because, as an idealist, he wanted a government of local federations. As a realist, however, he recognized that force would be needed to achieve the ends of the federal movement, he named his daughter "Nitroglicerina" (Nitroglycerin). (As Nitroglycerin wasn't widely used as an explosive until Nobel patented dynamite in 1867, Domingo was a "modern man" in this respect.) Among the family stories about Domingo is one that he may have been involved in the assassination of Spanish general and kingmaker Juan Prim y Prats in 1870. Domingo (tío Domingo de Sevilla) GRACIANI MARTÍN and Saturnina NAVARRO were married. Saturnina NAVARRO72 was born in Aranjuez, Madrid, Spain. She died between 1861 and 1865. Date based on the birth of Saturnina's daughter Teresa in 1861 and the birth of Domingo's daughter Saturnina, born to his second wife Manuela in 1866. Fecha basada en el nacimiento de Teresa, hija de Saturnina, en 1861 y el nacimiento en 1866 de Saturnina, hija de Domingo y la segunda esposa Manuela. Domingo (tío Domingo de Sevilla) GRACIANI MARTÍN-494 and Saturnina NAVARRO-8998 had the following children:
Domingo (tío Domingo de Sevilla) GRACIANI MARTÍN and Manuela GARCÍA LÓPEZ were married between 1861 and 1866. They appeared in the census in 1873–1874 at C/ Zurita 3 in Madrid, Spain. She lived at C/Zurita, 3 in Madrid, Spain in 1871–1874.40,67,68 Manuela appeared in the census in 1890 in Madrid, Spain.3 She lived at Calle de Atocha 94, segundo izquierda in Madrid, Spain on 1 December 1890. She appeared in the census in 1895 in Madrid, Spain.66 Manuela lived at Calle de Atocha 94, segundo izquierda in Madrid, Spain on 1 December 1895.66 She moved in Sevilla, Spain in 1898.66 Domingo (tío Domingo de Sevilla) GRACIANI MARTÍN-494 and Manuela GARCÍA LÓPEZ-1915 had the following children: