The US
Lagos-Besteiro Family:
A History-1
1909 to 1912 (with some flashbacks):
Cuba and Spain
By Emilito
Rev. 2005-07-28
| Family
Stories, Pictures, etc
| Family
| Rugby Stories, Data,
Pictures, etc
| Miscellaneous
1909: the start.
Every family has many branches to its tree, and some people are
fortunate to
have members of all or many of these branches located in their home
region or even town. When Emilito has
family reunions in the US,
however, there is only one branch involved - that of his mother, a
branch that actually
began in Cuba
3 years prior to its 1912 entry to the US. The ancestors known to Emilito’s generation
as Maina and Papa – that generation's grandparents Josefa (Pepita)
were married in Havana, Cuba
on 20 December, 1909. The rest – read on – is history.
Antonio Lagos and Pepita Besteiro at their wedding: Havana, 1909
Emilito is convinced that – if people would only acknowledge
their family’s peculiarities, all family
histories are odd. The US Lagos history,
in fact, began with an oddity: Maina’s mother was forbidden by her
husband to
attend her daughter’s wedding. Why? you
might ask. . . Well, for a starter, Maina’s mother’s husband was
husband’s brother.
patient, Emilito will explain.
Back to 1899. Despite
noting that this all began in 1909,
Emilito urges you to travel back with him to the turn of the 20th
century. Pepita’s father, Ricardo
BESTEIRO FERNÁNDEZ, a successful businessman in Madrid,
died suddenly of a heart attack while at work in 1899 at the age of 45. Pepita was 14 years old at the time. Antonio’s parental tragedies occurred not
long after. In 1900 his father Francisco
LAGOS MUÑOZ died of tuberculosis at 49 and his mother Carmen
in 1903 at 45, also of tuberculosis. At
22 Antonio had no living parents. At
least three siblings had already died young (family lore has it of
although documentation has not yet been found), and two more were to
die young in
1906 and 1910, definitely of tuberculosis.

died 1899
Francisco LAGOS
MUÑOZ - died 1900
TOLEDO RUIZ - died 1903

Mercedes LAGOS TOLEDO - died
1906 Francisco LAGOS TOLEDO - died
On to 1903.
So, when they met in 1903, Antonio (22) and Pepita (18) had already had
share of family loss.
following is a "playlet" written by their daughter Carmen for Maina's
82nd birthday in 1966.
Narrator -
A new era began in Maina's life in April of 1903. At a party she
met a young medical student named Antonio Lagos Toledo. He was
very impressed by her charm and by the way she played the piano.
A few days later he visited her accompanied by his older brother.
(A bell
rings. The maid goes to the
Maid -
Whom shall I announce?
(Papa gives
her his card.)
Maid -
Sit down. (Exit) (Offstage)
- Don Antonio Lagos Toledo and his brother.
Maina (enters
and the men stand) -
Buenas tardes, Antonio.
Papa -
Buenas tardes, Pepita. Tengo gusto en presentarle a mi hermano
(bowing) -
Encantado, señorita.
(Just as they
all sit, Victorina comes in.)
Victorina -
Buenas tardes. (The men jump
Maina -
Mamá, permíteme presentar a Don Antonio Lagos Toledo.
Papa (bows
politely) -
Encantado, señora, mi hermano Manuel.
Manuel (bows
deeply, kissing her hand) -
Servidor de Vd.
(They sit,
talking in pantomime.)
(entering) -
La merienda está servida. (All exit.)
Narrator -
This was the beginning of trouble. Great Uncle Manuel fell in
love with Maina's mother and married her. Then he didn't think it
proper for his brother to court the daughter of his wife, so he forbade
their courtship. True love won out, however. On December
20, 1909 they were married in Havana, Cuba.
Emilito's cousin Chippie wrote
in the Lagos family 1992 reunion book that "anyone that was at the
dinner when this play was presented remembers the wonderful acting of
[our cousin] Buzzy (playing Uncle Manuel) passionately attacking [our
cousin] Geraldine (playing Maina's mother) in a perhaps exaggerated adlib."
we don’t know any of the
details – other than that Pepita would always insist that she and
Antonio met
first and thus were entitled to date – on 4 January 1904
26-year old Manuel married 41-year old [wealthy widow] Victorina in Madrid. At this point, as the play indicates,
although Antonio and Pepita
continued dating, Manuel tried to break them up.

Manuel Lagos and Victorina Graciani's Wedding: Madrid, 1904
We move to 1905-1907. As
a result of the loss of their colonies – Cuba,
Puerto Rico, the Philippines – in the
war of 1898, Spain was suffering both economically and psychologically
and Spaniards were
the fatherland in droves. Many headed
for Spanish-speaking countries like Argentina
and Cuba,
smaller numbers moved to the US. The movements of the Lagos-Besteiro clan are
not completely understood, but some are documented and will be briefly
summarized here.
is believed that the first family members to visit the New
World, on a reconnaissance mission, were Manuel Lagos and
Victorina’s eldest son Domingo BESTEIRO GRACIANI. Documentation
has been found, through
meticulous research by Emilito, that Manuel Lagos was indeed in both
the USA
and Cuba
1905. He arrived in New
York in January – found in Ellis Island Records
– and
in Havana in April – found
in tiny
print in microfilm copies of the daily Havana
newspaper Diario de la Marina. In
a eulogy to Domingo on his death in Havana
in 1958 it was mentioned that he arrived in Cuba
in 1905, but no other documentation has been found.
In Antonio’s Ellis Island
documentation on his immigration to the US
in 1912 it was noted that he too had visited New
in 1905, but Emilito found no other documentation of this earlier US
visit. There is a record of Antonio being cleared to leave Spain
in June of 1905 and we know, based on a letter from his 14-year old
(who would die later that year), that he was in Cuba
in 1906.
Apparently the scouting expedition was successful and Diario
de la Marina records the landing
of a “Victoria Gración y 3 hijos” in April 1907.
Certainly this was Victorina Graciani and her
children Pepita, Jorge and Isabel.
Domingo was already there and Victorina's other son Emilio never
left Spain
(Jorge would later return to Spain
to marry a childhood sweetheart).
Emilito would like to note that his two given names – Emil
George AKA
Emilio Jorge greatly resemble those of his grandmother’s younger

From the afternoon edition of the 3 April 1907
Diario de la
Marina, the arrival of Victorina Graciani and 3 children
Emilito recently read a book about Cuba which noted that, in 1906 (an
era in which Cuba was for all intents and purposes a US colony), the
Cuban government appropriated $1 million to subsidize immigration of
Europeans to Cuba. One of the purposes was to "whiten" Cuba so
that it wouldn't end up, like Haiti, controlled by blacks.
passes this on as he read it, without checking the primary sources.

Victorina with Pepita, Jorge and Isabel
In Havana, most likely in April 1907
A note on the back (possibly to her mother) reads:
“This is the latest group of us that
come to this country
where you don’t see anything but gold
and you sweat a lot;
today the heat is really oppressive."
Let’s visit 1908. OK,
Emilito realizes that this article was to
begin at the beginning and that the beginning was supposed to be 1909. But even pre-histories have a way of dragging
out, and this history – "vivíparo"
as it is (look it up) (or just check here)
- seems
be dragging on
even more than Emilito expected.
plot began to thicken as 46-year old Victorina became
pregnant with Manuel Lagos’s child early in 1908. Victorina’s
mother Joaquina LORENZO BLAS
decided that enough was enough and traveled from Spain
to Cuba
to get
her daughter the hell home and have her baby in Spain. Victorina, however, would have none of this
and sent her mother back home instead.
But Joaquina didn't go home alone, rather she took her
back with her and yes, dear reader and possibly relative, for a moment
it might
have appeared that there would be no Maina (if this story were part of
the “Back
to the Future” film series, Maina and Papa’s pictures - and Emilito's -
would have started to
fade as
Pepita boarded the ship to Spain with her grandmother, leaving her
fiancé behind in Havana).
Around 2000, Emilito found a picture of his Maina in the
possession of
his Aunt Jo Jo. It was taken in Madrid
and dated 28 August 1908
with the inscription “Mamá, para que vea estoy más gruesa
y mande por mí. (Mother, so you see
I'm getting heavier [her mother had thought her sickly when she
left]; send
for me.)” (And, one presumes, she also
meant to say, “Hey - my man is there!”)
Pepita's postcard home (from Madrid to Havana), 28 August
Finally - back to
1909. Her pleas must have worked
as Emilito found, in Diario de la Marina,
that Josefa Besteiro was a passenger on the Reina María
Cristina, which arrived
in Havana on June 1, 1909.
By this time Manuel and Victorina’s son Paquito LAGOS GRACIANI
had been
born (13 October 1908).

The 3 June 1909 morning edition
of Diario de la Marina lists
Josefa Besteiro as one of the arrivals on 1 June
next item on the family history should have – finally –
been the 20 December marriage of Antonio and Pepita, but Emilito found
through spending hours in the Library of Congress (with the help of his
wife Heide) – a notice of death for Victorina and Manuel’s son Paquito
in Diario de la Marina. He died on 12 December 1909, a day
short of 14 months
old; the cause of death was not recorded.
21 December 1909 Diario de la Marina announcing Paco
Lagos' 12 December death.
The announcement has him 3 months old at his death; he actually was 13

Paquito LAGOS GRACIANI in 1909
Paquito’s death so recent, Antonio and Pepita’s
December 20 wedding would have been bittersweet to begin with. Manuel’s disapproval of his brother’s
marriage and the bride’s mother’s nonappearance had to dampen the event
is a family story that Victorina’s first cousin Joaquina
LORENZO GÓMEZ, living or at least visiting at the time with
Manuel and
Victorina, arrived home the evening of the wedding and was greeted by
with the demanding question “Where have you been?” to which she
responded “Where
wife should have been if she only had the courage!”
Emilito stops
to honor nature: he creates trees. The proof
readers of this history have confessed to confusion at this point. For the benefit of the confused, two
brief family trees, planted in the mid 19th century and examined
mid-1910, follow.
Pepita’s parents’ tree as of mid-1910:
married Ricardo
Feb 1854-25 Jun 1899)
2-Domingo (Uncle
(9 Jan 1883- )
2-Josefa (Pepita)
[Maina] BESTEIRO GRACIANI (6 Aug 1884-
married Antonio [Papa] LAGOS TOLEDO (25 Sep
1880- )
GRACIANI (29 Jun 1886- )
GRACCIANI (18 Jun 1889- )
2-Isabel (Aunt
Jun 1896- )
married Manuel LAGOS TOLEDO (3 Jan 1878-
(Paquito) LAGOS GRACIANI (13 Oct
1908-12 Dec 1909)
Antonio’s parents’ tree as of mid-1910:
(Frasquito) LAGOS MUÑOZ (12 Feb 1851-19 Feb 1900)
married Mª del
Carmen (Mariquita) TOLEDO RUIZ
(13 Oct 1857-14 Aug 1903)
2-Mª de los
Dolores LAGOS TOLEDO (9 Oct
1875-before 1895)
2-Manuel LAGOS
TOLEDO (3 Jan 1878- )
married Victorina GRACIANI
LORENZO (23 Mar 1862- )
3-Francisco (Paquito) LAGOS
GRACIANI (13 Oct 1908-12 Dec 1909)
2-Antonio [Papa]
LAGOS TOLEDO (25 Sep 1880-
married Josefa (Pepita) [Maina] BESTEIRO
GRACIANI (6 Aug 1884- )
LAGOS TOLEDO (28 Sep 1882-bef 30 Sep
(Paquito) LAGOS TOLEDO (7 Nov
1884-18 Jul 1910)
2-Teresa LAGOS
TOLEDO (19 Jan 1890-before
2-Mª de las
Mercedes LAGOS TOLEDO (8 Jan
1892-15 Sep 1906)
2-Other unknown siblings LAGOS
TOLEDO (all of whom died before 1900)
We move forward:
1910-1912. By the end of 1910 the
LAGOS-BESTEIRO family has begun and its first issue is Emilito’s
mother, Carmen
(on her birth certificate she is “María del Carmen Victorina
Marcelina Lagos y
Besteiro” – Carmen and Victorina for her grandmothers, Marcelina for
the saint
of the day), born on 5 October 1910 and baptized on 11 March 1911, both
Havana. Sometime after this date, the
new family packed up and moved back to Spain,
where Antonio was going back to medical school, which he had been
forced to leave due to his parents' premature deaths.
Or so the story goes. The
story, not backed by any documentation, is that Antonio went to medical
in Santiago de Compostela in the northwest of Spain in 1911.
Unfortunately, the weather there did not agree with Pepita and
therefore they
eventually left. At any rate, the only
indication we have that Antonio ever went to medical school is a
photograph of
him with three other medical students standing over a cadaver. Antonio is the one with a cigar in his

Medical students with cadaver (year unknown). Antonio
Lagos is
the one smoking a cigar
the next documented event was the birth, in
Valdemoro, on the outskirts of Madrid, of the first son of Maina and
Papa (we
can safely call them that because now, as in the “Back to the Future”
with these births we can be more and more sure of their future
existence as our
grandparents, great-grandparents and beyond).
Uncle Manny, Manuel
Francisco Ricardo Napoleón LAGOS BESTEIRO was born on
15 August 1911.
was Manolo born in Valdemoro? We have only an intriguing entry on
his birth certificate to give us a bit of a clue. The person that
appeared in front of the judge to certify the birth (a procedure that
is always documented on Spanish birth certificates) was Joaquín
GRACIANI LORENZO, "native of Madrid. . . a merchant by occupation,
being accidentally residing in this municipality." Well, Joaquín
Graciani was Victorina's older brother (and therefore Manolo's
granduncle), but what he was doing "accidentally residing" in Valdemoro
(as far as anyone knew, he lived in Madrid all his life), will remain
forever a mystery.
whatever reason, Maina and Papa decided it was time to
return to Cuba
and around December 1911 / January 1912 (we know from photographs they
in Havana on 20 January 1912) they headed back to Cuba with Carmita and
on board ship, Manolo became very sick and Pepita was told by the
ship's doctor that he was unlikely to survive the journey. Somehow, she
found a wet-nurse (nodriza) on
board the ship, and this wet-nurse
suckled Manolo back to health, to the point where it was noted that he
had a ruddy complexion by the time the boat arrived in Cuba.

Manolo Lagos and wet-nurse found on board ship. Photo taken 20
1912 in Havana
didn't let the grass grow under his feet, however, and while Pepita,
now pregnant for the third time, remained in Havana with Carmen and
Manuel, he took off for New York; Ellis Island records show that he
arrived on February 13, 1912.
Marcelina (Emilito's Aunt Vicky) was born on 9 August 1912 in Havana. The address where
Vicky was born was given as San Nicolás,
1. Given the numbering direction of San Nicolás, this
would have been the nearest to the water (the Straits of
Currently there is no number 1 on San Nicolás, and it is likely
that this
is due to the construction, about that time, of the Malecón, the
famous Havana street that runs along the water for several miles.
At any
rate, the picture below is of the current location of the intersection
of San Nicolás and the Malecón, most likely right about
where Victorina was born. Don't let the early 50s Chevy fool you:
this picture was taken in 1999.
Near Vicky's
birthplace in Havana: the Malecón from San Nicolas, 1999
Antonio was still in New York looking for a job and he urged Pepita to
delay her departure from Havana until he found one. Pepita's
mother Victorina, however, offered her two pieces of advice: "don't
leave a man alone that long," and "as long as you don't show up with
the kids he won't find a job." So, with Victorina 5 weeks old,
Manuel barely 1 and Carmen still not 2, Pepita
and the kids left on their immigration voyage to New York. They
sailed on the S.S. Saratoga on September 15 and arrived in New York on
the 18th. They were listed as joining Antonio Lagos at 290 West 12th
while trying to find a picture of the S.S. Saratoga, Emilito found out
that it was constructed in 1907 to be used as a passenger ship by the
Ward Line. After use as an Army troop transport during the first
nine months of 1917, it was purchased by the Navy and converted to a
hospital ship. The Saratoga was recommissioned as the USS Mercy
on 24 January 1918. The photo below is of the ship as a hospital

The former S.S. Saratoga in a later incarnation as the hospital
ship USS Mercy
This is the ship on which Maina and her 3 eldest children first
immigrated to the US

A partial manifest showing, on lines 1 to 4, the arrival of
Carmen, Manuel and Victorina Lagos at Ellis Island
Further lines are shown because, in one of those ironies of which life
is full, Antonio E Rebollo, line 11, was the father of Emilito's first
roommate at MIT.
New York era had begun.
Lagos History 1 - 1909-1912: Cuba and Spain
US Lagos History 2 - 1912-1921: The
New York Years
US Lagos History 3 - 1921-1934:
Paterson - the single years
US Lagos History 4 - 1934-1947:
Paterson - the Lagos kids get married
US Lagos History 5 - 1937-1961:
Paterson - grandchildren
US Lagos History 6 - The Lagos
Chapter END
Cast of Characters (they were discussed above, but are listed for
LAGOS TOLEDO - AKA Papa - the grandfather of Emilito's generation
Josefa (Pepita) BESTEIRO GRACIANI - AKA Maina - the grandmother of
Emilito's generation
Victorina GRACIANI LORENZO - Maina's mother. Incidentally,
Victorina was "the first Maina," a name given her by her eldest
granddaughter Carmen, who mispronounced "Mama Victorina."
Manuel LAGOS TOLEDO - Papa's brother and
Victorina's husband
Paquito LAGOS GRACIANI - son of Manuel and
Victorina; had he not
died young, would have united into a new branch two different yet very
important branches of Emilito's family
Joaquín GRACIANI LORENZO - brother of Victorina in
whose house Manuel LAGOS BESTEIRO was born.
Domingo BESTEIRO GRACIANI - AKA Uncle Dominic - Maina's
Carmita LAGOS BESTEIRO - Emilito's mother and Maina and Papa's first
Manuel (Manolo) LAGOS BESTEIRO - Maina and Papa's second child
Victorina LAGOS BESTEIRO - Maina and Papa's third child
Joaquina LORENZO BLAS - Victorina's mother
Joaquina LORENZO GÓMEZ - Victorina's first cousin who plays a
role in the family history both in Cuba and NY
in his Spanish incarnation, Emilito to his mother and still to all his
relatives (and Emiliet to his Valencian father)